Defining and raising the thematic citation index
Maintaining your own website, regardless of its subject matter and orientation, implies following certain algorithms of actions, thanks to which it will be possible to bring the resource to the proper level and develop your own user base. But in order to achieve a significant result, it is not enough just to make a working functional and post several thematic articles. The upcoming work is much more extensive and implies the full filling of the resource so that every potential visitor who first came to the site is guaranteed to be able to find the answer to his question. This requires more than one hundred articles, but the result will be appropriate, because the amount of traffic will constantly grow, and sooner or later the site will receive a thematic citation index from Yandex, due to which its further popularity will only grow.
The Yandex thematic citation index is the number of mentions of a site on other resources. To determine and raise the TIC, you first need to visit the relevant sites that reflect current information and find out what the current level of a particular site is. Yandex itself has already moved away from this criterion and switched to the site quality index, but the information is still in demand and appreciated by many specialists even above the new development. This indicator is based on how often people talk about the resource outside of it, and the calculation is carried out through posted links to the site. That is, for example, if the site was created in the field of flower cultivation, and there are many really interesting and useful articles on it, then there is a high probability that they will be quoted by more authoritative sources from the world of flora. Accordingly, if another gardening portal mentions the site and places a link to it, this will affect the index in a positive way. And the more such mentions of the site, the higher this indicator will be.
To raise the index, you need to post more high-quality articles that will interest users. And at the same time, these articles must be unique, because otherwise the index will be reset, and the resource that copies information from other sites will not be able to achieve any success. This means that preparation of such works will be required, but it will not be as easy as it may seem, because initially the owners of resources generally decide to write texts for their sites on their own, not realizing the fact that even for the minimum acceptable amount of content it will take several weeks. And in order to work with the Yandex TIC on an ongoing basis and regularly increase your index, even a minimum amount may not be enough.
Realizing this fact, the owners decide to turn to third-party specialists who are ready to offer their services. Copywriting agencies and exchanges are represented in large numbers, so it will not be difficult to find a suitable option. That's just the cost of the final work will be noticeably higher than all existing expectations. The full-fledged content of the site is several tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of rubles, which is not affordable for every owner. Fortunately, there is an opportunity to seriously save money and achieve the desired result. It is enough to use the A-Feed plugin.
Raising the thematic citation index through A-Feed
Self–filling of the site is a complex and long process that will require not only money from the owner, but also strength. But thanks to special plugins, this process can be significantly facilitated, because all the main work will be performed by the program, and the user will only have to direct it and make adjustments to the work in order to find the necessary articles faster. There are a large number of sites whose TIC has been achieved precisely thanks to plugins, so it is not surprising that more and more people are choosing software assistance in this matter, since the advantages are obvious:
• The plugin is able to work quickly on all specified RSS feeds, finding the right articles to post. The number of tapes is unlimited. That is, the user selects several dozen sites of similar subjects, prescribes keywords in the program, and it searches for all texts using these keys, ignoring everything superfluous.
• The search can be carried out not only in the same language segment, but also across the entire network due to the available translation capability. For example, for a website about kitchen furniture, the owner can find a dozen similar portals in different countries using search queries, register them in an RSS feed and receive relevant and interesting articles from around the world, which may not even be in a particular segment.
• Due to the translation and hypertranslation of articles, they become unique, which favorably affects the resource and its index. In other words, the user can receive a meaningful and original article on a topic about which there is practically no information in a few minutes. Such a text is guaranteed to attract the attention of all users interested in this area, who will start sharing links, and the TIC will rise.
• Auto-filling of the site will be performed regularly at the specified time interval. RSS feeds can be crawled every hour, or maybe every two days, depending on the relevance of the topic and the frequency of new works. New texts can be published immediately in templates, or they can first be placed in drafts so that they can be checked for possible errors.
If the owner of the resource has a question about how to quickly fill the site with articles, then the A-Feed plugin will be the best answer. However, it is important not to forget that other points are important for working with the thematic citation index from Yandex.
What should be considered in the process of work?
Auto-filling of the site through a special plug-in is able to solve several important tasks at once, starting from saving on content and ending with the selection of competent and relevant topics that will be packaged in a unique wrapper. Such content will make the site more relevant and in demand among users. The growth of citations and mentions on third-party resources will begin to grow, the number of visits will increase, and traffic will grow. At the same time, the TIC will begin to grow, but Yandex specialists strictly adhere to their own criteria for the quality of sites, which means that there are additional factors that need to be taken into account in order to raise the index:
• When considering links, not all sites on which they were posted are taken into account. Full-fledged resources and portals are quoted, regardless of their subject matter. But blogs, forums, and other sites hosted on free hosting sites will not be taken into account. This is due to the fact that most of them do not have any full-fledged moderation, which means that you can place anything there. Mentions on such resources have no real weight.
• If the site is found to be cheating the index by buying hosted links or by posting itself on other platforms, the index will be reset without the possibility of restoring it. Here, no quality of the articles presented will help, so it is recommended to act honestly, without resorting to deception.
• If there are mentions of another site on several pages of one site, then each link is considered separately. If they all lead to the same page, they will be counted as one in the index. That is, if a user using the A-Feed plugin found a fascinating article about tulips for his gardening site, and another site started quoting this article in several of his works at once, then this counts as one mention. If not only an article about tulips is cited, but also an article about roses, then these are two mentions, etc.
• Also, owners should not forget that you can not get too carried away with SEO. Some sites try to insert some popular keyword query through the word so that the article has as much chance as possible to get into the top search queries. This way will lead to zeroing and will not help to achieve the desired result.
• In order to stay afloat and continue to raise the thematic citation index, it is necessary to regularly replenish the number of articles, adding more and more new works. It is extremely difficult to do this on your own, since you will need to spend all your time monitoring up-to-date information, its further preparation and placement. But with the help of the plugin, this problem disappears completely, since A-Feed will take over all the work.
• Despite the fact that the TIC has already been replaced by the IC, the essence remains the same, so the relevance of the data has not gone away, and the use of a plug-in for auto-filling the site is still able to significantly facilitate the process of doing business and bringing the resource to a leading position in its segment.
To familiarize yourself with the current index and understand how much you need to move forward to achieve the desired result, you can use one of several specialized sites that keep the data up-to-date, even when the index is no longer in fashion.
The A-Feed plugin is able to help the owner of one or several sites at once to unify and optimize content without requiring unnecessary financial and time costs. A premium account for one site will cost less than three or four articles ordered from a copywriter, but the plugin will not be limited to four articles, but will find hundreds and thousands of texts so that the site always remains in demand among regular readers and casual visitors. You can get to work at any time to start improving the TIC without delaying the matter.